Want to join the Death Dealers Clan [Sign up Here]

Please leave the following information about your self!
Must full out * item's
*First Name
*Last Name
*In Game Name
Why would you like to join?
We will decede in about 1 week if you can join the clan!


Anonymous said...

Hey there guys, I know snipa knows me, and royoel me and you have played some but heres my app

First Name-Ryon
Last Name-Merrick
In Game Name-Dead_Silence (or Ryondarkfire)
email- ryonmerrick@msn.com
And I'd like to join cause i'm really looking for a good group of guys to play with over the summer, and I know Snipa pretty well from playing with the TAMs guys, so I think it'd be really fun to join

Anonymous said...

Well this is Royoel3 and you got my vote! now it up to Snipa to vote!

Anonymous said...

Well i say ... No just kidding yes ur really cool fun 2 play with but u never shutup lol jk

Anonymous said...

OK Well Welcome to the Death Dealers Clan!

Anonymous said...

Hi whats up. I'm just looking for a clan to play with, and I know Snipa knows me.
First name-Chase
Last name-Swearingen
In game name-lazerdude9
xfire-not currently operatoinal
I want to join because I think it would be cool to be in a clan, and there's not many who will take a kid.

Anonymous said...

I vote yes your a fun and cool player good luck

Anonymous said...

I say Yes!! Welcome to the clan Chase!

kenno said...

name kenneth
last name taylor
age 18
ingame nick Dead
xfire 2142kenno
email kenno_t4@hotmail.co.uk
reason for joining, i wish to join ur clan to kick butt as part of a team i enjoy cod4 and will be on regualary, and most of all i love killing noobs

Anonymous said...

sorry but no
your fun to play with but i have 2 say no

Anonymous said...

Well im sorry but i have to say no because have want to have a 16 below clan.

Anonymous said...

Name: Dimitris
Age: 15
In game name: eXou$laStla
Xfire: N/a
email: n/a

I wuld like to join beciase i would like to be in a all kid clan!

Anonymous said...

i say yes to both of you but ex u might want to change ur name to something we can pronounce

Anonymous said...

hmm I vote yes for teh german dude, but as for ex, I havn't gotten to play with you at all yet, just play on our server a bit more.


Anonymous said...

ok EX and DE PUTA MARDE your both in now you both may add the DeathDealers tags <|DD|> Welcome

Anonymous said...

Hi my game name is zypher but my real name is Zack Watkins ,age 13, and i know snipa and ive heard of royoel3 and i would like to get to know him.

Game name-Zypher
First name-Zack
Last name-Watkins
Xfire name-zypher123

I would like to join deathdealers because they have great people from what ive seen and would also like to be apart of the clan because no other clan likes people who are under 18 to join so id like to join and hit me up on xfire thanks for your time

Anonymous said...

Zypher ur a ok player a little more pratice and u might be as good as royoel ( u need alot to be as good as me = )) well i say yes

Anonymous said...

and i'd like to join because i want to meet new people and have fun.i also want to win twl matches.

Anonymous said...

dominator what ive heard u sound cool and i say yes royoel hasnt posted but he said yes so your in (if anymembers have something against him tell me or royoel ) your in you may add the tags

Anonymous said...

YES!!!!!!!! know i just have to beat you down lol!!!

Anonymous said...

i'd like to join because it would be cool with some guys online that dont trash talk me and so i have somthing to do over the summer

Anonymous said...

I SAY YES!!! Welcome to the clan snipa vote will not count for this round lol jk!!!

Anonymous said...

Admins said yes ur in hows it feel to be a DeathDealers? does it rock? pahh it owns!!!!!

Anonymous said...

First Name-ill tell u royoel
Last name-ill tell u royoel
age-ill tell u royoel
i would like to join because im freinds with Snipa and i would like to play in TWL with you im supersitcous and cant talk on teamspeak yet he doesnt trust most people cept me and my dad thats why he not putting age and name out cus he dont trust people online

Anonymous said...

he plays in our server cant talk yet but im trying 2 get his dad to let him talk with our clan only on teamspeak and i say yes 2 him

Unknown said...

yes u seem really cool nightmare and i look forward to meeting u =]

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes!man i think u r a kickbut player and u seem like a cool guy to meet d:l

Anonymous said...

yes!! man i think ur a kickbut playa and and im really lookin forward to getin 2 no u

Anonymous said...

yes!!!man i think ur awsome player that i wood hav a truckload of fun with

Anonymous said...

Ok Nightmare ur in its been a week so ur in! gratz

Unknown said...

in game name $!4Y3R

hey guys i just wana be part of sumthin

Anonymous said...

i say yes i think u will be fun to play with and get to know

Anonymous said...

Yo Im BloodyDiablo I Am From FBR But They Been Pissin Me Off Big Time So I Wanna Try Joinin You Guys

First Name:Tyler
Last Name: Smit
In Game Name:Bl00dy
Xfire:dragona2 cwjoker540 fbrjoker

Anonymous said...

u seem really cool so i give u a yes

Anonymous said...

no cuz he told me to shutup so screw him >:p

Anonymous said...

i say yes

Anonymous said...

i say yes to da bofe of dem. i say yes.

Anonymous said...

i say yes to slayer but im still deciding bout Bloodydiablo

Anonymous said...

Slayer ur in most of are members said yes congratz and tell me u can make a | mark? lolol

Anonymous said...

Ok bloody i cant really get a good hear on your voice with your mic im going 2 have to turn u down you can post a new app when u get a better mic k?

Anonymous said...

snipa call me on xfire and my mic will work fine trust me theres no prob with it so yeah please dude!

Anonymous said...

yea man i was jk i think ur wasum man

Anonymous said...

Yo thx for lettin me be in DD
I am very happy to be with you guys so

Anonymous said...

hey dudes!!!! listen. if your like royeol or dominater or y-man or sumthin plz sign up on the thing so it shows your name. its very confusing to read your comment and not know who it is.

Tyler said...

well i bet im only guy named Tyler here so yeah
From: Bloody :)

Snipa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

:) i dont like g-mail i love yahoo!!!!!!!! yahOOO!

Anonymous said...

Reason-I would like to join a clan and u seem really cool Especially Snipa he is my favorite!

Snipa said...

I say yes

Anonymous said...

i say yes 2 u r really cool

Anonymous said...

im still thinkin i need to see his gamin but most likely its a yes idk really

Anonymous said...

uhh ok you got mad skills dude so i give you a YES! :)

Anonymous said...

you guys are craps

From:Bloody(A.K.A Pimp)

Anonymous said...

First name-Joseph
Last name-Franco
xfire-not currently operatoinal
id like to join because first of all i hate all the clans ive been in cuz they were all for noobs and im currentley looking for a good clan and this clan sounded the best

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

first name-christian age12 in game name is veitnam email-christianbeck12@ymail.com last name beck i know straycat and blea deamon and i really would like to join i am level 40 and love cod4 and u guys allow kids which i really like

Anonymous said...

First Name-Tyler
Last Name-Moulton
In Game Name-chucky9900(will be changed soon)
Xfire-Sorry, I don't have one.
I would like to join because this sounds like a great clan and i'm looking forward to joining.

Anonymous said...

hey guys
first name:marsaires
last name:amphy
in game name:gorshack
i wan to join becaus i would like to be in a clan