
1.Be respectful to all not just admins not just members all we are all equal
2.Be on teamspeak if your on xfire unless your afk or you can give Snipa , Royoel3 , or Dominator
3.Only members are allowed to wear are clan tags if your not playing and someone else is take them off
4.No cheating if you are caught cheating your banned we will not unbann you no questions asked
5.No foul Language on are servers including teamspeak
6.You must be having fun!
7.Listen to the admins and members and dont be a butthole
8.Dont try to push limits
9.Noone over 16 can join


Anonymous said...

Anyone who fails to follow any of these rules will be talked to by Snipa or Royoel3 or may be kick of the clan!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me if you dont agree with them we will comprimise